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What is Tender ?

Tender describes the amount of work, rate, total cost, time of completion of the project and method of payment to contractor. Tender based works are executed by contractors in  accordance with PPRA ( Public Procurement Regulatory Authority which has legal authority for procurement of goods a ineligible tenders are rejected.

Comparative Statement

To compare the rates  of tender submitted, a Comparative Statement is prepared and the most appropriate tender with least rate is accepted in that comprehensive statement. Some time only special contractors are contracted and if the project is of quality and work need to be done quickly.

Earnest Money

It is 2 or 2.5 percent money of the the total cost of project necessary to submit along with the tender by the contractor otherwise tender is reject. 

Bill of Quantities and Estimates

Bill of Quantities
It is consist of estimated quantities multiplied with the rates gives total amount of the specific work. The quantities are calculated in detailed estimate. This bill is made guessing the amount of the work and its expenditure in genera.  BOQ ( bill of quantities are prepared by engineer in field parties
 and are attached with the project.
Estimate is a process which provide the actual amount or price of all expenditures and total cost of project.

LOI and Bank Guarantee Retention money or Security money

LOI is abbreviation of letter of intent which is issued to the contractor after award the work.

Security money or Bank Retention money
It is specific amount of money which has to submitted after his tender is accepted and before start of work it released upon satisfaction. Generally its value is 10 percent cost of the total value of that project. If the contractor dealy the project and not complete on given time or do not follow the specification of work then this payment should not be released.

Authority for expenditure (AFE)

It is the authority letter or bill of the work which is executed, signed by the financial sanction given authority. It must be acquired before processing the work as its authority letter.

Fund Transfer Remittance (FTR)

Administratively and financially approved work is then allocated for budget considering the whole fiscal year budget and after that its FTR is prepared, in which AFE cost total budget for the project and its current installment cost is signed and approved by HOD ( head of department) and send to the account department for funds release.

Some Technical Terms

 What is different between Column and Strut ?


Column is the vertical member of the frame structure.


Strut can be inclined or horizontal but it is generally short in length as compared to column.

What is abbreviation of DPR ?

The full form of DPR will be detailed project report.

How many mm in 1 soot ?

There are 3.17 mm in one soot.

How many litter in 1 ( one ) Gallon ?

Total litters in one gallon is 3.78 litters.

How much time you can use cement from its manufacturing date ?

We can use cement 3 month after its manufacturing date. 

What is the name of machine which use for compression test ?

The machine which is use for compression test is Universal Testing Machine. In short form we can say it as UMS.

How can we get more strength from cement ?

By using Di calcium silicate we can gain ultimate strength.

What is strap footing ?

Such foundation in which a cantilever beam is provided to join two footings is called as strap footing.

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